
Derived from Portuguese word ‘pequeninho’, which means ‘little’.

1. baby

  • Mama i givim susu bilong em long pikinini.
    The mother is breastfeeding the baby.
  • karim pikinini to bear a child

2. a child, son, daughter, niece, nephew, descendent

  • Em pikinini bilong mi.
    He/she is my child.
  • pikinini man/boi son, male child
  • pikinini meri/gel daughter, female child

3. offspring of an animal

  • John i gat sikispela pikinini pik.
    John has six piglets.

4. fruit

  • Mi laik kaikai sampela pikinini bilong mon.
    I would like to eat some New Guinea walnuts.
  • karim pikinini to bear fruit

5. seed of a plant

  • Billy i planim wanpela pikinini mango bilong Rabaul.
    Billy planted a mango seed from Rabaul.


1. mother

  • lapun mama grandmother (also tumbuna)
  • wasmama stepmother
  • susu mama wet nurse; madam (when addressing an elderly woman)
  • Mama, yu laikim wanem?
    Madam, what would you like?
  • Mama lo Constitution of Papua New Guinea
  • Papua Niugini i gat banis aninit long Mama lo.
    Papua New Guinea has laws underneath the Constitution.

2. the female owner of a thing

  • mama bilong pik owner of the pig


1. (in patrilineal areas, e.g. New Guinea mainland and Manus) any relative from the father’s side of the family

2. (in matrilineal areas, e.g. most of the New Guinea islands) any relative from the mother’s side of the family

  • Planti kandere bilong mi ol i kam long dispela singsing.
    A lot of my mother’s relatives came to this dance.