1. holim, lukautim
- to keep a secret holim tok hait
- to keep the laws holim of lo
- to keep a promise holim promis
- to keep someone’s money holim mani
- I am keeping his money for him.
Mi holim mani bilong em.
2. keep straight on go olsem
3. keep from (abstain) tambu
- to keep from smoking tambu long smok
4. Keep quiet! Sarap!, Pasim maus!
5. keep back pasim
- They kept her back in hospital overnight.
Ol i pasim em long haus sik long wanpela nait.
6. to keep on doing mekim olgeta taim
- Don’t keep on talking.
No ken mekim toktok olgeta taim.
7. to keep clear of klia long
- keep clear of trouble klia long ol trabel
8. kept by (at) stap long
- The cars are kept inside the fence.
Ol ka i stap insait long banis.